"The weak lose themselves in God; the strong discover Him in themselves." ~ Allama Iqbal

Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Escape Education's Death Valley

Please relax with this brief TED talk.  I find this deeply inspiring. 

For me, when listening to Sir Ken Robinson, I'm thinking not only of the education of children, but also of the education of adults, and the passing of cultural depth and height from one generation to the next. 

I'm also thinking of having social leaders such as politicians who are not about command & control, but rather are devoted to creating a climate of possibility.  A climate of possibility implies to me a melioristic evolving of humanity. 


  1. Thank you, Robert, for posting this. I have seen it but took the time to watch it again. You know how much I love teaching, yet for the first time I have considered changing careers or retiring. Education in this country, particularly North Carolina, has become so "program oriented" and so micromanaged and so test-driven that true creativity is gone. Our worth as teachers is now based on our test scores...a very complex three year algorithm. This year alone we have had a brand new curriculum, added literacy goals, "21st century goals, Thinking Maps, new observation instrument, and writing our professional development plan according to SMART/HARD goal format. Next year we do all of this and also get a new educational management system and 1:1 computers...but we are supposed to facilitate learning. All with a frozen pay scale and without a cost of living increase for quite a while. I know I sound like I am whining. Maybe...but the general public, our legislature in particular, have no idea what it's like to do my job. I and many of my fellow teachers are frustrated and often feel abandoned. Mr. Robinson makes great points but no one with the power to change things is listening.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your visit here.

      I hear your frustration. It sounds like Ken is speaking directly to your experience.

      I desire to figure out how to spread this message among those who can make a difference. I'm thinking teachers themselves may be the movers & shakers here. Do you think this is possible?

      I also see direct relations of these same principles to political leadership.

      Thanks again.

      All good wishes,


    2. Blogs are a good resource for knowing individual experiences. Check out my blog CCNA Questions.

  2. Dear Robert,

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring and meaningful TED video!
    It perfectly describes the educational barriers we are currently facing. It is really unfortunately to see that education is deprived of creativity, which is as mentioned by many philosophers as ‘the power of life itself, the power to create and change’. It also reminds me of Iqbal’s course we recently completed!

    Moreover, you are absolutely right when you note that we should have social leaders who are devoted to creating a climate of possibilities. The role and meaning of a leader is in my opinion very much misunderstood, the emphasis should not be on power, but on nurturing, guidance and creating a better tomorrow.

    Thank you!

    Best wishes,

    1. Dear Shaidi,

      Thank you for your visit.

      Yes, I too thought of Iqbal, Khurram Ali Shafique, and the many fine online courses in which some of the ideas mentioned by Ken figure so strongly. I see creating a climate of possibility virtually one and the same with the artist's portrayal of a good world, a lovely world, a loving world, a world which can be.

      This is Education, not just education.

      Thanks so much for your comments.

      All good wishes,


  3. Aww bless that's a beautiful thought: 'creating a climate of possibility virtually one and the same with the artist's portrayal of a good world, a lovely world, a loving world, a world which can be.' Insha'Allah!

    I hope to see you on TED talks one day :) Your thoughts are very inspiring and insightful. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all.

    Best wishes,

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