In the most current issue of the magazine "Sufi" (Issue 83, Summer
2012) is a brief interview/article entitled Sain Zahoor: Pakistan's
Mystic of Music. There were a few bits of this interview (by Sheniz
Janmohamed) that stand out.
Lines were quoted presumably sung by Sain Zahoor at a 2011 music festival in Canada:
Parh parh ilm te faazil hoya
Te Kaday apnay aap nu parhya ee na
You read to become all knowledgeable
But you never read yourself
The interviewer asked a question about the sectarian violence in Pakistan.
Sain Zahoor responded: We are here for a short time, ultimately we
are going to meet the dust. When our souls fly off, what will count is
our deeds, not the differences between us.
The article ended with a quote by Bulleh Shah.
When I acquired the knowledge of love,
I dreaded the mosque.
I fled to my Lord's dwelling,
Where a thousand sounds reverberate.